My response to the AAP is as follows:
- You have failed your patients which are American Children, and not Parents, not Doctors, not Hospitals, and not Religious groups.
- You have failed to represent the interests of baby boys.
- You have failed to account for the human rights of baby boys.
- You have failed to account for medical ethics and how it applies to non-therapeutic amputative surgery of a non-consenting minor.
- You have failed to mention the male foreskin is a functional sex organ in its own right.
- You have failed to mention all of the scientific literature which contradicts the protective effects of circumcision for STI & HIV prevention. A basic tenet of the scientific method is to use all available to data to disprove your theory, and not to selectively choose data which supports your theory.
- You have failed to mention the large body of evidence which documents the harms of circumcision from injury & infection to death in children, to sexual dysfunction in adults, and adult resentment of their infant circumcison.
- AAP your 2012 Circumcision Policy is a FAIL, and I hope it brings you both internal and international shame.